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Check out these videos to learn how to use Thorg and start mining GLM in the most fun and easy way!

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Layer 2 payments

So there is a chance that you have heard that Ethereum network fees are quite high. High to the point that there are use cases for which the network at its current state is unusable. That's why we have decided to implement much cheaper, faster and way more usable layer 2 payments as a main payment system in the Thorg miner.

Polygon support

Getting started with Thorg should take only a few minutes. The basic steps are to download and run through the Thorg installer along with opening Thorg for the first time to set up a wallet, followed by a quick benchmark, and then you will be ready to start mining with Thorg! While the startup process should be super easy, at some point you will also want to learn more about Thorg payments, how to interact with your earnings, and what they are.

So here are the not-so-basics about payments:

Who has access to the wallet that payments go into? Thorg is non-custodial, which means that each user of Thorg is responsible and in control of their wallet address.

What is being paid to you in return for your computation? Golem Network Token, GLM, is an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency used in the P2P marketplace for computation on the platform. This is the backbone of Thorg and hence why the payments are in GLM.

Where are these payments going? During the initial startup process, after you’ve installed Thorg and run the application for the first time, you will be guided through wallet creation. Creating your wallet prompts you to save a Seed Phrase; keep this safe since you will need it if you ever want to import it to an alternative non-custodial wallet (e.g. MetaMask) or if you ever lose access to your wallet. Experienced users will be offered an alternative option for wallet setup, allowing them to select a wallet address that they already own and use that as their destination address. This is a good option if you already have MetaMask, as you can simply add your MetaMask address. The wallet address can be changed anytime by going to the configuration and selecting a wallet address there.

How is GLM being sent to the wallet? To make the most efficient use of transaction fees, Thorg uses Layer 2 (L2) payments on top of Ethereum. The L2 solution utilized for Thorg payments is Polygon. By using Polygon, Thorg can help reduce fees by many orders of magnitude, making less fees being spent on transactions and more going to the Thorg user! Along with being cheaper, there’s also low latency for payments in comparison to Ethereum. As a Thorg user, something you should keep in mind is that offboarding from L2, Polygon, to Ethereum will result in fees (paid in MATIC) linked to the comparatively higher fees on Ethereum.

Taking care of your hard-earned tokens and what you can do with them!
First and foremost, we are working on interesting initiatives that will reward those HODLING their tokens. While we can’t dive into too many details, naturally, we want to help grow the ecosystem and the potential for the community to get involved. As mentioned earlier, to manage your account(s), we suggest using MetaMask, which has a good balance between security and usability, and support by Polygon Wallet.

At this point, it can be worthwhile to point out that tokens on Polygon can bridge to Ethereum with the same address, so any Ethereum address will work with the Layer 2 that Thorg uses. Hence why using MetaMask is recommended. You have to be cautious though, as not all of the exchanges support Layer 2. Before you make any transactions, make sure that you transfer your earnings to a supported address.

Quickest offboarding
There are few exchanges that do offer support for L2 tokens and have USDT or USD pairs on their markets:

Use the exchange which supports USDC tokens on Polygon chain (deposits and withdrawals) and allows you to exit on any other chain supported by Note that you have to exchange GLM to USDC first via Quickswap or GLM to MATIC via Quickswap and then MATIC to USDC on the exchange.

Lots of new applications and projects are deployed to Polygon so expect in the near future other ways to move your funds and interact with various aspects of the ecosystem. See Awesome Polygon for a curated list of various infrastructures linked to the Polygon ecosystem.

Official Polygon Bridge. It is the most expensive way of withdrawing your tokens from Thorg. The only plus is that you can pull your funds directly to the Ethereum chain without the need for the creation of any additional accounts. Be advised that with choosing Polygon Bridge you should always be aware of transaction fee prices.


My browser says that ThorgMiner isn’t safe to use, why is that?
Browser providers are flagging all mining software (including Thorg) as malware as there are cases of fake software containing mining underneath that mines on a victims device for someone else’s benefit. You can still unblock the file, usually by clicking a ‘Show all’ button, selecting to keep the file, and installing ThorgMiner on your machine.

Why does it say my GPU/hardware isn’t supported? 
First check if your antivirus is blocking a Thorg program called “EthDcrMiner64.exe”. If you do not have antivirus software installed you can unblock this by going to your Windows Security settings, and then clicking on Virus and Threat Protections.

I have used wallet address from an exchange
Thorg is most suited for addresses that the user has custody of, compared to some other individual other than the Thorg user (such as a centralized exchange) having custody of the address. Most exchanges do not support L2 payments like Polygon that Thorg uses. Please change your wallet address to one that you’re in control of, such as MetaMask.

Both of my GPUs have lost hashrate on NiceHASH and Thorg, what should I do?
First, ensure that Thorg is set to Maximum power mode. If so, try restarting your computer and checking for driver updates. 

I have a powerful GPU but it says it’s not supported
You should update your GPU drivers to most suitable ones. There are cases where users need to downgrade their drivers in order to optimise their hardware for mining.

Why is my hashrate lower than what other people have for the same gpu?
Make sure that the compute mode is on in MSI afterburner. Make sure you don’t have a LHR graphics card. Ether mining is very memory intensive. Overclocking VRAM can yield a 15%+ increase in hashrate. High temperatures can also cause VRAM to throttle- lowering voltage/power limits can lower temperatures and maintain optimum, stable hashrates.

I can’t see my funds in my Metamask wallet, why is that?
Your funds are located on L2 of the Polygon blockchain, please check or the Polygon network on your Metamask wallet to see your funds in real time. Your funds are updated every second hour.

How to import the wallet that Thorg created for me into Metamask? 
If you don't have MetaMask in your browser, download the MetaMask plugin. Click 'Get Started'. Press 'Import an existing wallet using the seed phrase'. Enter the seed phrase / Secret Recovery Phrase (the 12 words) given to you when you made your Thorg setup.
In case you already have MetaMask, then you have a few options:
1) Change your Thorg address to your MetaMask address.
2) Install MetaMask in a browser that doesn't already have it so that you can import the Secret Recovery Phrase you created in Thorg.
3) Extract the first generated private key of the Secret Recovery Phrase. There are lots of tools to do this, for example opening the Mnemonic Phrase in MyCrypto, and after opening your address and on the View & Send dashboard, click the 'Select' button and select Wallet Info. From there you can grab your private key. This private key can be imported to MetaMask by going Import Account (top right settings).

How can I check my GLM balance?
You can see your GLM balance in Polygon where it pays out. You can either log into Metamask and then log into Polygon, or you can switch your Metamask Wallet over to the Polygon network and manually add the token. 

How can I convert my GLM to ETH/Fiat/BTC, etc? 
Check our usage section here.

How can I switch Metamask over to the Polygon Network to see my GLM balance without logging into another website every time?
Once you have your Metamask browser extension installed, there should be a button at the top with the network currently connected. Click this and change it to Polygon. To add the GLM token to your wallet, make sure you are on the Assets tab (not Activity) and scroll down to the “Add token” link. Copy the GLM contract address from the Polyscan contract page and paste it into the Token Contract Address line. 

Thanks for the help for our community members: @nzemel1 and @TiaxtheGrand